Like handpicking the top candidates out of a crowd, CHISP® professionals “stand out” with employers–even when they are new to the industry.
The Certified Health Informatics Systems Professional (CHISP®) health IT certification exam and credential designates a qualified professional capable to meet the needs of hospitals and physicians as they move to adopt electronic health care systems (electronic medical records – EMRs and electronic health records – EHRs).
Professionals with the CHISP® Health IT Certification have demonstrated skills and knowledge in technology, and the health care industry, including the unique requirements formed where these two trades meet. CHISP® tells the hiring manager that a professional understands Health IT and both the health care and IT industries. CHISP® professionals have certified skills that make them more secure and marketable. They “stand out” with employers and encompass a wide range of job positions that require expertise in the highly-specialized Health IT setting.
For hiring managers, certified staff are always more likely to ensure physician approval and CHISP® allows them to avoid hiring mistakes. The Certified Health Informatics Systems Professional (CHISP®) health IT certification exam was first offered in January 2010 to the qualified public after completing more than twelve months of careful development and beta testing. It was developed with strong industry guidance significant in expertise, stature, and credibility via the ASHIM Industry Advisory Panel. Read more about the ASHIM Industry Advisory Panel.
Physicians need to be able to trust health IT professionals. Our already burdened healthcare communities don’t have time or money to waste while implementing immense changes. The CHISP® health IT certification mark tells them they can relax. - Stephanie L. Cecchini, CPC, CEMC, CHISP |